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My Story

As a teenager I remember turning my head running upstairs to a lesson and being unable to turn it back again. It just hurt too much! I spent the rest of the school day and walked home with my head stuck to the left and remember the incredible relief of being able to look in both directions again after seeing an Osteopath. Some less-than-expert pony-riding meant that wasn’t the only trip to the Osteopath but I was sufficiently impressed with how such a non-invasive therapy made such a big improvement to quality of life that I trained myself and have been privileged to be part of other people’s journey to health and wellbeing over the last thirteen years.

One way and another I’ve spent a lot of time with people with disabilities, learning difficulties, special needs and language challenges or differences. This developed my interest in Osteopathy for the neuro-diverse; as Osteopathy relies so heavily on touch it is uniquely placed to help people with communication challenges, be they babies or older people with language barriers. It is so special to be able to recognise and empathise with someone’s discomfort and make it a bit better.

I’m also a mum, having had a variety of birth experiences I really appreciate what Osteopathy brings to the pregnancy and ‘new mum’ experience by reducing tension and discomfort. It is such a special time of life that can easily be shadowed by pain and the restriction that puts on normal activities. As a FEDANT accredited feeding coach I’m also well placed to support a feeding journey that works for the whole family.

Whoever you are and whatever brings you here I hope to be of some help. If you’re not sure, please contact me with your query or book a twenty minute phone chat to help you decide if Osteopathy is right for you.

I hold BSL level 3 and am happy to video call for queries in BSL but it would be advisable to use a qualified interpreter for the initial consultation.

Rebecca Wangi

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43 Catherine Street, St Albans, AL3 5BN

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