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Alban Osteopathy

Babies & Children

Babies are such a delight, but it's often not an easy stage! So, it’s a privilege to bring my experience as an osteopath, a FEDANT accredited infant feeding coach and a mother to consultations.

I studied postgraduate with the Osteopathic Centre for Children and gained unique experiences working with Dwelling Places and Spring of Hope during the thirteen years I’ve been practicing.

Even more than the everyday gorgeousness of babies I particularly love working with neurodiverse children. I have background experience of supporting children with disabilities, learning difficulties and additional needs and feel Osteopathy as a manual therapy can play a unique role in reducing tension and bringing relaxation.

Treatment is typically a short course of weekly sessions dependent on the complexity of the presentation and the child’s response.  Please feel free to contact me with any queries.

My Treatments

Nursing Newborn
Upper Back Massage


I help expectant mums with safe and gentle techniques.

New Mum & Baby Home Visit (St. Albans)

A one off visit offering gentle manual therapy and feeding advice.

Infant Feeding Support

Advice and support for breastfeeding before and after birth.

Osteopathy for Everyone

Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain; hands on manual therapy, tailored to you.

©2024 Alban Osteopathy | Privacy Policy

43 Catherine Street, St Albans, AL3 5BN

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